GD topics in Service Selection Board - Common Topics based on National Issues.
GD topics in Service Selection Board - Common Topics based on National Issues.
- Naxallism.
- Nuclear reactors in our nation
- Is it good to quit nuclear reactors in our country like germany.
- Alternative source of energy other than nuclear reactors.
- Nuclear agreement with U.S.
- Nuclear agreement with Russia.
- Does Nuclear head of pakistan a threat to the nation
- World Peace.
- Pros and Cons of Science.
- Increase in technology increaes life span of man's life
- Compulsory Army training.
- 33% reservation for Women.
- Youth in politics
- Unempoyment in bharat
- Alternative source of fuel.
- Role of press in bharat
- Permanent seat in UNO for our nation
- Permanent seat in G8 for our country
- Bharat the super power by Defense or Agriculture.
- Bharat in Space Research
- Success rate of wind power and solar energy for power.
- Compuer and its pros and cons.
- Internet and its pros and cons.
- T-20 cricket changes the cricket style.
- Which is best Test match of T-20
- Important of Sex Education.
- Common syllabus for School in our nation
- Common Entrance test
- Ragging in college good or bad.
- Wearing helmet at road.
- Should we improve its defense technology or not.
- Who saves nation more Police or Army.
- BPO jobs in our country.
- Love marriage or Arranged marriage.
- Co-Education in nation.
- Number one state in bharat- The Gujarat.
- Removing of Alcoholism is a revenue loss for our country.
- Government bars in states of our nationis good or bad.
- Population of the country.
- Child growth is influenced by Friends, Teachers and Parents ?
- Joining of Rivers in our nation.
- Construction of check dams to save river water is successful?
- Inflation Rate of economy in bharat .
- Quota system in our nation
- Kashmir issue and LOC.
- Terrorism.
- Role of Communication in our country.
- Sports in bharat.
- Hocky the national game.
- Domination of cricket over hockey.
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